
New Zealand Will Sail on the Bay

All San Diego yachtsmen and boaters are invited to join America’s Cup challenger, New Zealand, in her first sail in San Diego Bay Wednesday from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m.

Boaters will be able to sail with and photograph the 132-foot monohull that will compete against Dennis Conner’s Star & Stripes in the America’s Cup races starting Sept. 7 off Point Loma.


Scott Hamilton, the 1984 Olympic men’s gold medalist in figure skating, will conduct ice skating seminars, open to all ages and abilities, at the San Diego Ice Arena Monday and Tuesday. The seminars will conclude Tuesday at 6 p.m. with an exhibition at the arena’s grand re-opening. Cost is $75 for each day. The Tuesday exhibition is free to the public. For information, call 560-1825.



The ninth annual Budweiser Nationals Over-The-Line tournament will take place Saturday and Sunday at Mariner’s Point on Mission Bay. The double-elimination event is the largest OTL Players Assn. tournament and the second-largest in the world next to the OMBAC tournament. For information, call 534-0320 or 541-1700.
