
Writers Honored: Los Escribientes, a south Orange...

Writers Honored: Los Escribientes, a south Orange County professional writers critique group, has honored members Robert Wenkham of Irvine and Sherilyn Mentes of San Clemente with its two highest awards.

Wenkham, author-photographer of many large-format photographic books, was named Writer of the Year in recognition of his 1987 book about volcanoes and earthquakes in western North America and Hawaii, “The Edge of Fire” (Sierra Club Books).

Mentes received the Nora Collins Award of Excellence for her work in lecturing, broadcasting and film and video production.


National Writers: Maxine O’Callaghan of Mission Viejo, author of the Orange County-set chiller “Dark Visions,” will speak at the monthly meeting of the Southern California chapter of the National Writers Club from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. today at the Irvine Marriott. A $10 fee includes brunch and a manuscript critique workshop. The public is invited.

Book Signings: Bruce Brown and Ralph Elliot Starkweather, two nationally recognized Orange County photographers, will autograph copies of their work beginning at 4 p.m. today at Upchurch-Brown Booksellers, 384 Forest Ave., Laguna Beach. Brown, West Coast editor of Sailing World magazine, illuminates the craft of photography on and around the sea in his third book, “Watershots” (International Marine Publishing Co.). Starkweather, a Laguna Beach resident, will sign copies of “Orange County” (Oxford University Press), a coffee table book of county scenes that features his work. He will also sign copies of his poster of the Laguna Beach lifeguard tower.

At 8 p.m. next Saturday, Sam Eisenstein will appear at the bookstore to read from his latest book, “The Inner Garden” (Sun & Moon Press), a collection of short stories.


Romance Talk: Valerie Hayward, associate editor for Harlequin Superromance, will speak at a special meeting of the Orange County chapter of Romance Writers of America on Thursday, in the meeting room at Independence Park in Fullerton, at the corner of Valencia Drive and Euclid Street. The meeting, which is open to the public, will begin at 7 p.m. and costs $3.

Consummate Master: Pulitzer Prize-winning poet Galway Kinnell will do a reading at Laguna Moulton Playhouse in Laguna Beach at 8 p.m. next Saturday.

Kinnell, who won both the Pulitzer and American Book Award in 1982 for his “Selected Poems” (houghton Mifflin), will appear at a reception in his honor in the playhouse lobby after his reading. A $10 advance donation is suggested and may be sent, with a self-addressed stamped envelope, to Laguna Poets, 555 Agate St., Laguna Beach, Calif. 92651.


He also will sign copies of his books from noon to 2 p.m. Aug. 28 at Fahrenheit 451 Bookstore in Laguna Beach.
