
St. George & a Dragon

I strongly object to the articles by Judith Michaelson under the heading: “Hate on the Air: A Question of Access” (Aug. 10).

The lead story was on former KKK Grand Dragon Tom Metzger and his “Race and Reason” public access TV program. It is well known that this show promotes racism and white supremacy.

Linked to this article very obviously was a second article by Michaelson saying “TV Talk Show Viewers Are in for More Shock,” in which Michaelson referred to my TV programs “Hot Seat” and “Hot Seat Hot Line,” which air locally on KDOC-TV, Channel 56.


By linking these stories she was implying that my programs deal in hate, and that just is not the case. Several of my viewers called me to tell me about the “slanderous” article in The Times about me and my shows.

I have had Metzger on my “Hot Seat” show and I have stressed that I think he is scum and that he really should not be on the air at all spreading his racism. I have told him that I cannot understand why public access is allowing him all this free time! People like Metzger are a disgrace to America!

My programs are totally against this kind of thing and week after week I promote patriotism, morality, decency, dignity and love of God and country.


