
Mariner’s Search Remains in Drydock

For a boat, M. Jorge of Canyon Country needs some flexible vinyl decking that looks like teak. Marine stores used to carry the product, he says, but he hasn’t been able to locate it. Can you help before Jorge drowns his sorrows in something stronger than water, or will he have to stay decked out waiting to be floored?

Veda Carroll of Santa Monica is looking for imitation turquoise earrings (not pierced) in an American Indian design. Can you help so Carroll won’t turn green with envy, or will she have to remain all ears until she gets an answer?

For her recreation vehicle, Rose Marie Page of Whittier would like a hand-cranked ice crusher , similar to one made years ago by Daisy. Can you help keep things cool in Page’s vehicle, or will she be absolutely crushed because she may have to put her next trip on ice?


Elizabeth Benton of Inglewood, who was looking for unscented talcum for a bedridden person, should soon feel some sense of relief. Mary P. Miller of Carlsbad says Osco Drugs has unscented Diaparene Corn Starch Baby Powder. Ruth McKeon of Yorba Linda and another reader mention Johnson & Johnson Baby Powder, also from Osco. Gen Taylor of Burbank says to just get plain cornstarch from the supermarket. And Alma Pontello of San Gabriel gets her unscented talcum powder from Lorann Oils, P.O. Box 22009, Lansing, Mich. 48909, toll-free telephone (800) 248-1302.

A few weeks ago we gave an old telephone number for Wayne Montano, who repairs perfume bottle stoppers. The Montanos, who repair all kinds of antique glass, crystal and china, have moved to the High Desert and can now be contacted at (619) 868-6598. But they do a lot of work at shows and county fairs. Within the next few weeks, they will be at the following: Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, Los Angeles, Aug. 26-28; Heritage Antique Show, Del Mar, Sept. 23-25; Ventura County Fairgrounds, Ventura, Oct. 7-9.

Muriel Arnold of Pasadena, who needs an all-plastic mattress cover for her allergies, can breathe easy. Emma King of Manhattan Beach, Helen Sheeley of Temple City and Virginia Tarquinio of Chatsworth all report that information on these mattress covers can be found on Page 1041 of Sears’ spring catalogue.


Samantha Klatt, owner of Kelly & Co. in San Pedro, (213) 548-1977, writes her firm custom-makes dust covers and might be able to help. Martha Zuska of Los Alamitos says Aller/Guard, 1121 S.W. Gage Blvd., Topeka, Kan. 66604-1760, makes dust-proof products.

A Los Angeles reader writes that mattress covers from Biotech Systems of Chicago, (800) 621-5545, solved all her allergy problems. Stephanie Sabar of West Los Angeles writes that Allergen-Proof Encasings Inc., 1450 E. 363rd St., Eastlake, Ohio, 44094, phone (216) 946-6700, would be a good source. And Ruth Vibber of Monterey Park and Alice Pierret of Santa Barbara told us about a mail-order source: Harriet Carter, Dept. 28, North Wales, Pa. 19455.

One of our most frequent requests is for replacements for out-of-stock china patterns. So it comes as a distinct pleasure to announce that a reader has a large selection of old Noritake china in the Marguerite pattern that she wants to get rid of. Contact Cindy Peach, P.O. Box 20012, San Bernardino, Calif. 92406; her phone number is (714) 887-8471.
