
Rights Group Charges Israelis Have Beaten Thousands of Arabs


Israeli troops have beaten several thousand Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip during the past eight months of demonstrations, and at least eight died, Amnesty International said Wednesday.

In a 16-page report entitled “Israel and the Occupied Territories: Excessive Force,” the London-based human rights group said the beatings have been used to punish and intimidate, despite official Israeli directives to the contrary.

The report said that since last December, when the uprising against Israeli occupation of the territories began, “several thousand Palestinians throughout the West Bank and Gaza have been injured, many seriously, after being beaten by Israeli soldiers.”


“In many instances the use of force has been indiscriminate and excessive, intended to punish and intimidate,” the report said.

Israel said the report was one-sided and unfair.

Foreign Ministry spokesman Alon Liel said in Jerusalem that Amnesty International had not contacted any Israeli authorities in compiling the report and had released it to journalists without sending a copy to the authorities. He said officials will reply after reading it.

The report said the beating victims included women, children, the elderly and many not involved in the protests.


“Wounded Palestinians have been forcibly removed from hospitals, despite the protests of doctors, and beaten before being taken to detention centers.”

Amnesty International said Israeli authorities have not backed up official pronouncements that all complaints would be investigated and troops found to have used excessive force punished.
