

The environmental health division of Orange County’s Health Care Agency, is charged in its mission statement with assuring “that food provided for human consumption is wholesome, properly labeled and advertised, and that it has been produced under conditions and by practices which are safe and sanitary.”

The mainstay of the program is routine unannounced inspections of the county’s more than 6,000 restaurants, markets and other food establishments. The agency’s goal is to inspect each establishment four times a year, although the current average falls slightly below that goal. Inspectors check the physical premises, observe the entire food-handling process and determine compliance with advertising and labeling laws.

When conditions violate state law or applicable county and municipal codes, inspectors can issue notices of violation. If inspectors find during an announced recheck that conditions cited in the notice have not been rectified, they can effectively close the business by suspending its health permit (it is illegal for a food establishment to operate without a health permit). Inspectors can also issue a summary health permit suspension during a routine inspection if they find an immediate health threat (for example, no hot water or a severe insect or rodent infestation). In all cases, health permits are reinstated as soon as the situation is rectified.


In the second quarter of this year (April 1 to June 30), environmental health performed 7,564 inspections of food establishments, resulting in 49 closures and 278 notices of violation. As a public service, The Times will print a monthly list of health permit suspensions in the county; following is a list of July suspensions.

Business: Saaghie Restaurant 1722 N. Tustin Ave., Orange Dates closed: July 19-22 Reasons cited for suspension: Cockroach infestation, poor sanitation, no chemicals in sink area. Business: Pioneer Take Out 6948 Westminster Blvd.,Westminster Dates closed: July 19-20 Reasons cited for suspension: Cockroach infestation, food adulteration. Business: El Torito Market 12698 Westminster Ave., Santa Ana Dates closed: July 28-29 Reasons cited for suspension: Failure to comply with notice of violation (rodent droppings, etc.). Now out of business. Business: Great China Restaurant 11752 Beach Blvd., Stanton Dates closed: July 26-27 Reasons cited for suspension: Failure to comply with notice of violation (rodent droppings, etc.). Business: Puffins 3050 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar Dates closed: July 18-19 Reasons cited for suspension: Floor sinks backed up, causing sewageto flow onto floor in food-handling areas. Business: The Alley 4501 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach Dates closed: July 18 Reasons cited for suspension: Failure to comply with notice of violation. Business: Boys Restaurant 2100 S. Bristol St., Santa Ana Dates closed: July 18 Reasons cited for suspension: No hot water. Business: Pasta Garden 25192 Cabot Road, Laguna Hills Dates closed: July 13-14 Reasons cited for suspension: Cockroach infestation, poor sanitation in food-handling areas. Business: Winchell’s Donut House 12052 Chapman Ave., Garden Grove Dates closed: July 11-12 Reasons cited for suspension: Cockroach infestation. Business: The Place Across the Street From The Hotel Laguna 440 S. Coast Highway, Laguna Beach Dates closed: July 7 Reasons cited for suspension: Repair of broken sewer in kitchen. Business: La Petite Boulangerie 18100 Culver Drive, Irvine Dates closed: July 6-7 Reasons cited for suspension: Rodent droppings.

Source: Orange County Health Care Agency, environmental health division
