
Local News in Brief : Nursing Home Charges

The operators of a Playa del Rey nursing home were charged Tuesday with deficient care practices involving 25 patients, including one man discovered to have maggots in his heels.

A nine-count misdemeanor complaint also alleges that the nursing staff failed to develop a care plan for a patient who died three days after being admitted to the home, one in a chain operated by the Tustin-based Care Enterprises West.

Charged by the city attorney’s office were Lee Bangerter, 44, of Laguna Hills, the chairman and chief executive officer of Care Enterprises West, and his twin sister, Dee Bangerter, 44, of Villa Park, chief operating officer of the nursing home chain.


Also charged were Richard Matros, 34, of Glendale, the company president, and Martin Hipschman, 37, of Palms, administrator of the Playa del Rey facility since last November.
