
Fans of Action Adventure Fiction

Elizabeth Mehren’s article on men’s action adventure fiction (“Some Dare Call It Romance,” July 29) was one I had an easy time relating to. I recently completed a stint in the Navy, serving 42 months aboard the aircraft carrier Kitty Hawk. During that time, I was floored by the number of individuals who read action adventure. The ship’s store could never stock enough of these books, and the copies in the library would quickly wear out because of abundant use.

Since leaving the Navy, I’ve been pursuing a master’s degree in English. Most of my classmates talk of going on for their Ph.D.s, of writing a novel or of teaching. As for me, I’m not sure what I’ll do. But what looks like an option is writing men’s adventure books. The action is gripping page after page, or at least until the end of lunch hour.


San Diego
