
Local News in Brief : Clinic Warned on Jobs

The head of the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor on Tuesday warned that if striking workers of an Eastside mental health clinic do not get their jobs back once a settlement is reached, he’ll ask the county and United Way to stop funding the clinic.

William Robertson, executive secretary of the federation, said the labor movement will not tolerate “our tax dollars and our United Way contributions going to an agency that terminates the jobs of 20 Latina workers.”

Members of Local 535 of the Service Employees International Union have been on strike against El Centro Mental Health Clinic at 972 Goodrich Blvd. since their contract expired July 1.


Clinic director Marvin Southard said management has agreed to hold jobs for all but seven of the striking employees. He said the clinic had to hire seven permanent replacements to continue care for about 600 patients a week.
