
The Romantic Englishwoman (Channel 9 Sunday at...

The Romantic Englishwoman (Channel 9 Sunday at 11 p.m.): Michael Caine and Glenda Jackson in the acrid triangle tale of an alienated novelist who cedes his wife to a younger lover. Little seen but superior of its kind: the witty scenario is by playwright Tom Stoppard, the direction by Joseph Losey. (2:10)

Kramer vs. Kramer (ABC Thursday at 8 p.m.): A divorce, a father’s adjustment to sole parenthood, and a vicious custody battle. A “little” story, beautifully done on all levels: an Oscar winner for writer-director Robert Benton and actors Dustin Hoffman and Meryl Streep. (2:00)

The Nun’s Story (Channel 13 Thursday at 8 p.m.): One of the most praised films of director Fred Zinnemann’s entire career, following a young nun, Sister Luke (Audrey Hepburn) through training and vows to crises in the Congo and World War II-torn Belgium. On balance: a noble try at a modern spiritual portrait. (2:00)


Breathless (Z Thursday at 11 p.m.): Jean-Luc Godard’s first film--a brilliantly inventive thriller, with Jean-Paul Belmondo and Jean Seberg--which Godard edited so eccentrically that the jump-cuts and herky-jerky rhythms began to echo the purposeless frenzy of modern life and rootless youth. (1:30)
