
Coastline College

Coastline Community College deserves the accreditation reported in The Times (July 13), but the article misinterprets the criticism that has been and will continue to be leveled at Coastline from many of us at Orange Coast and Golden West colleges.

That criticism does not include doing away with all of Coastline’s television courses or off-campus courses, but rather incorporating them under the administrations of Orange Coast and Golden West, saving a great deal of money in publicity, registration, bookstore, hiring, and other administrative procedures.

I worry, though, that the board of trustees and chancellor of the district will resist a feasibility study to do this: They can justify more money for themselves when they head up three campuses instead of two.


As far as the praise about Coastline’s innovative nature goes, it does have some unique programs, but telecourses and off-campus courses are not among them.


Huntington Beach
