
The Nation : Reagan Backs Tough Housing Bias Bill

President Reagan endorsed a compromise bill that would give the federal government its first significant power to combat housing discrimination against minorities, women, the handicapped and families with children. Reagan urged Congress to “pass the bill swiftly” so he could sign “the landmark civil rights bill for which we have worked so long and hard.” The Senate debated amendments to the legislation, but decided a final vote would not be taken until today. The House passed a version of the fair housing bill by a 376-23 vote on June 29. The Senate bill was modified slightly during two weeks of negotiations to incorporate provisions sought by Samuel R. Pierce Jr., secretary of housing and urban development. Major civil rights organizations have given the bill a high priority because the original Fair Housing Act of 1968 contained weak enforcement provisions. The compromise bill also would expand protection to the handicapped and families with children for the first time.
