
Democrats and ‘Jewish Patch’

I was surprised by Rabbi Hier’s commentary; despite the rabbi’s good intentions, it was factually wrong. Dukakis’ concern for Israel was openly and publicly demonstrated at the convention.

Dukakis at every step of the proceedings took a tough no-compromise position on maintaining a solid American policy of support of Israel in opposition to proposals that would threaten it.

Demands of some at the convention concerning an amendment to the platform in favor of Palestinian-Arab interests were not even submitted for consideration.


Hier evidently did not hear the forthright presentations, on behalf of Dukakis, of Sen. Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) in response to the proposed minority view.

Furthermore, Dukakis’ lifetime record of support for Israel is public and well known. In Dukakis’ words--”Israel’s fate is our fate . . . Our security interests are linked . . . We will never let Israel down . . .”--have been backed by deeds over many years. In 1976, for example, he was the first governor to decree that all companies doing business with his state must agree not to participate in the Arab boycott of Israel; as early as 1975, he attacked the U.N. resolution on Zionism/Racism, and later signed a state proclamation calling for repudiation of that vile resolution. He has over the years opposed the PLO, urged the recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and the maintenance of aid at the highest levels.

Dukakis’ deeds on behalf of Soviet Jews have been frequent and impressive. He has pledged that as President, such efforts would be a major priority of his Administration.


Without compromising matters of principle, Dukakis practices the politics of inclusion of all citizens and that’s good for everybody.


Past President of the Jewish

Federation Council of Greater

Los Angeles
