
Two Brothers Held in Slaying on Bus

From Times Wire Services

Two brothers who allegedly avenged their mother’s death by shooting up a city bus Friday, killing the driver and injuring four passengers, were booked on suspicion of murder Saturday.

The suspects were identified as Dave Palmer, 29, and Don Palmer, 25. Ellen Palmer, 52, was killed in a collision with another AC Transit bus the day before only a few blocks away.

The shooting, of a different driver, occurred when the bus stopped at an intersection in North Oakland. One of the men, witnesses said, boarded the bus, shouted obscenities and fired at driver Billy (B.J.) Givens with a .22-caliber rifle, killing him.


A passenger, Julius Walker, 40, of Vallejo, was in fair condition at a hospital. The other three victims suffered less serious injuries.

The attack was apparently provoked by an accident in which Ellen Palmer died. Police said Palmer had run a red light.

The suspects were to be arraigned Monday.
