
Rhyme a Reason for Candidate Appeal

Associated Press

Although Michael S. Dukakis has chosen his vice presidential running mate, Cynthia Fokakis is being teased in the Wisconsin delegation to the Democratic National Convention about trying for the No. 2 spot.

“Wouldn’t a Dukakis-Fokakis ticket have some appeal?” asked Barbara Murphy, a member of the convention’s credentials committee from Madison.

Fokakis, 65, of Madison, is clerk of courts for Dane County and also is on the credentials committee at the convention.


Fokakis said she met Dukakis at the Democratic State Convention in Stevens Point in June, 1987, “and I knew he had a good shot at getting the nomination.”

Despite the urgings of her colleagues, Fokakis said she is happy with Dukakis’ selection of Sen. Lloyd Bentsen of Texas as his vice presidential running mate.
