
Counsel Ruling

As once again demonstrated in your article (Part I, June 30), the Supreme Court justices obeyed the teachings of history and decided against their President, even though the President supposedly “stacked” the court.

In a 7-1 opinion, the high court flatly rejected the Reagan Administration’s argument that independent prosecutors infringe on the constitutional powers of the President.

I strongly agree with the court’s verdict and applaud the justices’ courage. No longer will corrupt individuals of the executive branch be shielded from the watchful eyes of independent prosecutors. No longer will members of administrations abuse their power with such great ease. No longer do we have to feel ashamed of our American justice system.


Let us exclaim a loud “hooray” for America and the Constitution, and let this ruling serve as notice to future administrations that when corruptness, deceit and illegality exist, Americans will “just say no.”


Woodland Hills
