
Local News in Brief : School Anti-Drug Project

Los Angeles Police Chief Daryl F. Gates announced Wednesday that Kentucky Fried Chicken has agreed to sponsor a campaign to raise money to expand an anti-drug program to schools across the country.

The Drug Abuse Resistance Education program, which was instituted in Los Angeles in 1983, sends uniformed police officers into schools for 17 weeks to teach fifth- and sixth-graders the value of a drug-free life and coach them on how to fight peer pressure. DARE has reached more than 1.5 million students in 25,000 classrooms nationwide. Kentucky Fried Chicken, in a prepared statement, said it has committed more than $1 million to the DARE program.

Gates said organizers hope to establish a good financial base for DARE, double the number of DARE programs at schools from the current 500 and help publicize the project, partly through a 24-hour national telephone hot line.
