
Local News in Brief : Bomb Explodes on Car Near Van Nuys Airport

A pipe bomb exploded Monday on the roof of a car parked in the 7500 block of Valjean Avenue near the Van Nuys Airport, police reported.

The bomb did only minor damage and there were no injuries, said Sgt. Joseph Brazas, of the Los Angeles Police Department’s Van Nuys Division. The car was burned and a piece of shrapnel flew through the door of a nearby business, Brazas said.

A witness saw a young male, possibly a juvenile, running away after the 12:45 p.m. explosion, but could not describe him, Brazas said.


Investigators believe the bomb was placed on the car at random, Brazas said. “It was not your typical Beirut-style terrorism,” Brazas said. “It was small-time stuff.”
