
Touch of Snake Oil

Regarding your June 20 story, “Neighbors Fear Quality Will Turn Mountain Into Just a Molehill,” Robert Pankey and Hal Jensen of Palomar Grading & Paving, sound like politicians trying to sell a pork-barrel project to their unsuspecting constituents. There’s the touch of a snake-oil salesman.

First of all, if you believe that Jensen will reduce the price of the rock because of the easy access to the freeway, then you’ll buy anything from anybody. Rock is sold for a base price. And the easy access only profits one person, Jensen. His altruistic attitude doesn’t wash. Even if he did lower the price of the rock, which no one believes, it would probably save each resident of California one-tenth of a cent a year.

Rock quarries, like landfills, are not placed because of their easy access to roads and freeways. If this were so, then all cities would place them in the middle, not on the outskirts away from the population.


The I-15 corridor north of Escondido is the last reserve of beauty. We have seen the politicians ruin north and south with housing, commercial parks, etc. Surely all the work the planning commission has done to protect this area will not go down the drain with one eyesore.

I always understood that we were placed on this earth to make the world a better place to live. Man does not live for greed alone.


