
Parents’ Special Love

After reading Bob Sipchen’s “A Story of Love in a Time of AIDS” (June 13), I could not help thinking of my family. While in the hospital this past week recovering from an AIDS-related opportunistic infection, I received the letter which follows from my father.

Twenty-one months ago I learned that I have AIDS. I had lived my life style for 16 years and at the age of 37 had not planned to reveal it to my parents. However, I did not want them to learn of my sexual preference and AIDS in a hospital corridor from someone else. I elected to be honest with my parents while visiting them.

Needless to say it was a difficult revelation. My mother said she had no idea and could not approve of my life style, but still loved me.


My parents found strength in their religion and now support me with their faith. Although they are of the Christian persuasion, these thoughts could apply to anyone’s faith.

I want to share with you the love of a father for a son who has AIDS.

DAVID, Laguna Beach

Dear David,

I’m sorry about the pain you’re having. Hope the doctors can give some relief. It’s hard to see a beloved son suffer. If I did not know that you’re God’s child and in his care it would be much harder.

If I didn’t know that your relationship with Jesus Christ is good, David, my grief would have no limits. As it is, I can leave you in his care and trust him to see you--and me--through. I love you so much David. I hope you’ll remember that for my words are so inadequate.


God bless you, David. Please let me know if there is anything I can do. In the meantime, know that I pray for you daily and have a special love for you as my firstborn son.

Love , Dad
