
Speak Up, ‘Keepers’

Why no media response from the officers and/or trustees of the San Diego Zoological Society regarding the horrifying scenario of the abuse of Dunda?

Certainly the board members know as “keepers of the garden” that it is incumbent on them legally and ethically to develop, implement and state through the media their position. They owe this to the community that helps support the society.

It is appalling that Doug Myers and Alan Roocroft have not already submitted their resignations and/or the board has not demanded them. To realize that this community has financially contributed to their salaries (through memberships, fund raising, etc.) is both disillusioning and repugnant. Even if they are vindicated by the investigative agencies, this is not enough.


Surely the officers and trustees must be aware that the foremost issues of credibility and responsibility are at stake over this situation. Not to make a public statement only adds fuel to the anger, frustration and concern many of us feel.

To avoid further loss of credibility within the United States and throughout the world, the board must not delay on making every effort to regain some of the respect that has been lost over this tragic situation.

Until humankind respects the other forms of life that share our world, we will not respect each other. Therefore, this is a serious and important situation that transcends all forms of life. The community looks to the society to be a role model. Have we looked too far?



