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C. David Baker: Attorney
Roger Bloxham: Business Consultant
C. Christopher Cox: Lawyer, White House
John Hylton: Airline Pilot
John Kelly: Businessman
Patricia G. Kishel: Management consultant
Lida P. Lenney: Councilwoman
George Margolis: Hospital Administrator
Nathan Rosenberg: Businessman
Larry F. Sternberg: CPA, Financial Planner
Dave Williams: Businessman
William Yacobazzi: Attorney
Birth Date
Baker: 2/16/53
Bloxham: 5/16/28
Cox: 10/16/52
Hylton: 4/7/45
Kelly: 10/2/61
Kishel: 9/4/48
Lenney: 3/20/33
Margolis: 5/6/31
Rosenberg: 5/26/52
Sternberg: 7/11/27
Williams: 2/25/36
Yacobazzi: 4/1/41
Party Affiliation
Baker: Republican
Bloxham: Libertarian
Cox: Republican
Hylton: Republican
Kelly: Republican
Kishel: Republican
Lenney: Democrat
Margolis: Democrat
Rosenberg: Republican
Sternberg: Republican
Williams: Republican
Yacobazzi: Republican
Previous Public Offices
Baker: Irvine Councilman, 1986-88. Mayor, 1985-86.
Cox: None
Kelly: Tustin City Councilman, 1986-present.
Kishel: None
Lenney: Laguna Beach City Council, 1986-present.
Margolis: Democratic State Central Committee. Los Angeles and Ventura Counties Central Committees.
Rosenberg: None
Sternberg: None
Williams: None
Yacobazzi: None
Do you believe a tax increase is necessary to reduce the deficit significantly
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
If so, which taxes would you consider raising?
Kelly: Yes
Williams: No
Kelly: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Corporate income
Kelly: No
Personal income
Kelly: No
Do you support President Reagan’s appeal for a constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget? Baker: Yes
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
Do you support President Reagan’s appeal for authority to sign spending bills while vetoing particular line items?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
Do you think the so-called Star Wars defense program could achieve the President’s stated goal of making the country secure against Soviet missiles?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: No answer.
Yacobazzi: Yes
In general, are you inclined to give the President about what he thinks is needed for “Star Wars” research?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
Would you exchange SDI for deep cuts of 50% in long-range offensive weapons?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
Would you reduce U.S. defense spending?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
If so, by how much?
Bloxham: 25%
Kelly: 10%
Lenney: 10%
Williams: No answer.
Which programs?
Bloxham: Most Navy rapair and contruction facilities, obsolete military bases.
Kelly: Long range aircraft production.
Lenney: Star Wars, various missiles, overseas commitments, end nuclear testing.
Sternberg: We need to close surplus defense bases in U.S. Contract out PX facilities.
Would you have voted to approve the INF (intermediate-range nuclear forces) treaty?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Not sure.
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: No position.
Williams: Favor
Yacobazzi: Yes
Would you vote for continued aid to the Nicaraguan contras? Why?
Baker: For. Nicaragua is a loaded gun pointed at the head of America.
Bloxham: Against. U.S. position should be to keep us and all others out, allow aid from private citizens.
Cox: Yes. Contra pressure has generated what hope there is for democracy.
Hylton: For. Or otherwise we will have another Cuba.
Kelly: For. To contain the threat of communism.
Kishel: For. America should assist those fighting repression and trying to establish democracies.
Lenney: For non-military aid only. We helped create contras and should help them to re-enter their society.
Margolis: For
Rosenberg: For. The Sandinistas’ communist pilosophy endangers the rest of Central America.
Sternberg: For. Fight communist threat and should always assist people obtain democracy.
Williams: For. To help stop the spread of Communism.
Yacobazzi: For. Must stop communism wherever possible.
Do you favor the deployment of U.S. troops to Honduras?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
Is there any circumstance under which you would vote oil drilling off the coast of Orange County?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: No
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
If so, what are those circumstances?
Bloxham: If there is full accountability for any resulting problems.
Cox: Only in the event of national energy or security emergency.
Hylton: Only in an emergency, such as a war.
Kishel: With agreement of local residents and with environmental safeguards.
Rosenberg: War or an OPEC embargo on shipments to the U.S.
Sternberg: No answer.
Williams: If we badly need the oil, which is not the present case.
Do you support Secretary of State Shultz’s proposed Middle East peace plan calling for Arab-Israeli negotiations to work out Palestinian autonomy on the West Bank?
Baker: No. Israel must have defensible borders.
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: No answer.
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: No position.
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
Do you favor a presidential pardon for Lt. Col. Oliver L. North?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes, unless he profited.
What about Rear Admiral John M. Poindexter?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes, unless he profited.
Do you favor opening up large portions of California’s coastline to oil exploration?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
Do you support federal funding for abortions for the poor thru Medi-Cal?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No, unless mother’s life is in danger.
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
Do you favor or oppose the Supreme Court’s ruling that, except in limited circumstances, states may not forbid women from obtaining abortions?
Baker: Oppose
Bloxham: Favor
Cox: Oppose
Hylton: Oppose
Kelly: Oppose
Kishel: Favor
Lenney: Favor
Margolis: Favor
Rosenberg: Favor
Sternberg: Oppose
Williams: Oppose
Yacobazzi: Oppose
Would you favor a half-cent sales tax in Orange County for transportation?
Baker: Yes, if of the voters approve.
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No position.
Sternberg: No
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
Do you support the slow growth initiative that will go before voters in Orange County on June 7?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No position.
Hylton: Yes, with a four-year limit.
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No position.
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No position.
Sternberg: No
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: Yes
Do you support joint military-civilian use of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
Do you favor funding and construction of the Santa Ana River Project?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No answer.
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: Not sure.
Yacobazzi: Yes
Did you, or would you have, voted for the recent civil rights legislation that restored broad anti-discrimination protections limited by the U.S. Supreme Court four years ago? (President Reagan’s veto of this legislation was overridden. The legislation broadens provisions that prohibit institutions that receive federal aid from discriminating against women, minorities, the elderly and the disabled.)
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: No
Williams: No answer.
Yacobazzi: No
Should the government require private companies with which it has contracts to use affirmative action in hiring and promoting women and members of minorities in the work force?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes, but opposes quotas.
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
Do you believe that local public school officials should be allowed to mandate spoken prayers to be recited by students in classrooms?
Baker: Supports voluntary prayer.
Bloxham: No
Cox: Supports voluntary prayer.
Hylton: No, prefer voluntary prayer.
Kelly: Supports voluntary prayer.
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Supports voluntary prayer.
Sternberg: Yes, non-denominational only.
Williams: Supports voluntary prayer.
Yacobazzi: No
Do you favor federally financed day care as an incentive for poor people to find work?
Baker: Yes, but prefers tax credit.
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes, when combined with welfare reform.
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
Should the federal government help pay for long-term care for the elderly?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No. A free market solution is required.
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
Do you favor mandatory AIDS testing?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: No answer.
Yacobazzi: No
If so, for what groups?
Baker: I.V. drug users, prison inmates, homosexuals, military personnel.
Cox: Prison inmates, prostitutes, immigrants, military personnel, blood and organ donors.
Hylton: For health care and food service employees.
Kelly: Public safety employees.
Sternberg: Those handling food, medicine, dental and other services where exchange of fluids with public possible.
Do you believe that persons who test positive for AIDS should be allowed to teach school?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes, if each case is individually reviewed.
Hylton: No, if they have AIDS symptoms.
Kelly: No
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: Yes
If no, from what other jobs would your ban people with AIDS?
Baker: Any job in which there is a substantial risk others could be infected.
Bloxham: Any in which the law requires contact.
Hylton: Health care and food service employees.
Kelly: Food processing and handling and medical activities.
Kishel: Health care givers.
Margolis: No answer.
Williams: No answer.
Would you vote for additional allocations for AIDS research?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No. No FDA interference.
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: No
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: Yes
Should the President put more pressure on the South African government to abandon its policy of apartheid?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: Yes
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: Yes
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: Yes
If so, what kind of action should he take?
Baker: Diplomatic and social pressure, but not economic sanctions.
Cox: Through support of free enterprise and democracy, not economic sanctions.
Hylton: Public declarations, possible aid to victims of apartheid.
Kelly: Economic sanctions and other techniques of political persuasion.
Lenney: Create pressure for free press so whites could have true picture of the problem.
Rosenberg: Diplomatic.
Williams: The solution is to create two nations with an fair division of resources.
Yacobazzi: The U.S. must use quiet deplomacy in convincing our ally its policy is wrong.
In the past 14 years, the number of political action committees has increased sevenfold and contributions to candidates have skyrocketed. Critics believe this has made officeholders unduly beholden to special-interest groups. Are you in favor of additional limits on the amount of money Congressional candidates may receive from PACs?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: Yes
Yacobazzi: No
Would you support an immigration bill that would encourage more Europeans to immigrate to the United States?
Baker: No
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: No answer.
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: No answer.
Margolis: No
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No position.
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: No
Do you favor imposing automatic penalty tariffs on other countries that amass huge trade surpluses with the United States?
Baker: No
Bloxham: No
Cox: No
Hylton: No
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: No
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: No
Williams: In some cases.
Yacobazzi: No
Would you support federal tax credits for private schools?
Baker: Yes
Bloxham: Yes
Cox: Yes
Hylton: Yes
Kelly: Yes
Kishel: Yes
Lenney: No
Margolis: Yes
Rosenberg: No
Sternberg: Yes
Williams: No
Yacobazzi: Yes
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