

Clipboard researched by Deborrah Wilkinson / Los Angeles Times, Page designed by Doris Shields / Los Angeles Times

Although the single-family detached home is the beau ideal in living conditions for Orange County, continued rising prices rule out this option for many. Mobile homes are one alternative, but one whose population now corresponds to the stereotype relegating such housing to older, less affluent people.

According to the 1987 Orange County Annual Survey, among county mobile home residents only about one in 10 earns in excess of $50,000 per year and six in 10 are at least 55 years old. In contrast, the corresponding ratios for those living in single-family detached homes are one-half and two in 10, respectively.


Mobile Single Family Homes Detached Homes Age 18-24 years 11% 11% 25-34 11 21 35-44 11 30 45-54 7 17 55-64 27 10 65 and older 33 11 100% 100% Income More than $80,000 * 18% $66,000-80,000 * 11 $50,000-65-999 7% 19 $36,000-49,999 24 24 $25,000-35,999 29 18 Less than $25,000 40 10 100% 100%


* Less than 1 percent

Source: Orange County Annual Survey by Mark Baldssare, UCI
