
Local News in Brief : Meeting for Head-Hunting Firms

The Inglewood school board will hold a special meeting next week to hear presentations from companies that want to conduct the search for a successor to outgoing Supt. Rex Fortune.

Seven companies that specialize in helping school districts select new administrators responded to the board’s newspaper advertisement soliciting proposals, a district spokeswoman said. Fortune has announced that he will retire July 1 to assume the superintendent’s job at the Center School District in Sacramento County.

The school board will review the firms based on their presentations at the Monday afternoon meeting and on written proposals submitted last month.


Meanwhile, Fortune will be honored by community and school groups at two functions next week. On Monday, the Parent Community Action Team and a group known as 100 Active Men and Active Women of Inglewood and the South Bay will be host for a tribute to Fortune involving area political and community leaders at Joshua’s restaurant in Inglewood. The event begins at 5 p.m.

On Friday, June 10, students, school and city officials will honor Fortune in a program beginning at 3 p.m. at Morningside High School.
