
Rejected Boy’s Twin Sister Now Also With Surrogate Mother

United Press International

A woman who bore twins under a $10,000 surrogate-parent contract only to have the biological father keep the girl twin and reject the boy today has custody of both infants.

Patty Nowakowski, who gave birth to the twins about six weeks ago, released a statement through her Lansing lawyer saying she and her husband now have both children, but giving no details.

Nowakowski has refused to identify the Michigan couple who paid her to bear a child through a surrogate-parent contract. When she gave birth, the couple balked, saying they already had three boys and did not want another.


The biological father took the girl twin home from the hospital shortly after the twins were born in April. The boy at first was placed in a foster home, but Nowakowski and her husband, Aaron, decided later they would rear him themselves. They have named him Arthur Jay.
