
Groups Living Near Toxic Sites Made Eligible for Federal Grants

The U. S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it will make grants of up to $50,000 available to community groups living near sites on the Superfund list. The funds are expected to enable such groups to hire private experts to provide them with technical assistance in interpreting information on site studies and cleanups.

The Operating Industries Inc. landfill in Monterey Park and four areas of the Main San Gabriel Ground Water Basin are on the Superfund list.

“This new grant program will give citizens living near Superfund sites an opportunity to more fully participate in the decision-making process, which should result in better decisions and greater public confidence in the decisions,” said Daniel W. McGovern, EPA regional administrator in San Francisco.


The grants are available under the 1986 Superfund law, which provides funds and resources to clean up hazardous waste sites. Only one grant will be awarded at each site.
