
Street Paving

Your article listing 285 projects “waiting for paving” (Metro, April 39) was accurate, but your explanation was misleading. The partial information provided may cause your readers to conclude the Bureau of Street Maintenance is behind schedule in meeting its resurfacing program goals.

More miles are placed in the annual resurfacing program than can be normally completed in a fiscal year. This ensures an adequate number of projects to meet the commitment made to the Board of Public Works and City Council to resurface 150 miles of city streets each year. Historically, 20 to 25% of the program is placed on “hold” by various utility companies. Projects that are not complete in fiscal 1987/88 due to utility holds, lack of engineered plans, geographical and budget constraints are automatically carried over to the following year.

The Bureau of Street Maintenance has done an outstanding job resurfacing streets. Over the last four years (July, 1983, to July, 1987) the bureau has increased the number of miles paved by 375%, a total of 668 miles (an average of 167 per year). From July 1, 1987, to April 9, 1988, the bureau paved 122 miles of streets (366 projects), and is projecting its 150-mile goal will be exceeded by June 30.


During each of the past four years, we have not only met but have exceeded our goals.



Board of Public Works

Los Angeles
