
Mubarak Awad and Israel

It was probably unintended irony that your May 10 issue contained an editorial which defended the right of Awad to stay in Israel and to continue his efforts for a binational Arab-Jewish state as well as front-page pictures of what would result if Awad’s efforts were successful.

The pictures of the two women in Beirut running away from Arab assailants are quite representative of what has invariably happened in areas where the PLO achieved any degree of control and influence. The result was always internecine strife, mutual murder by various factions, and slaughter that seemed to have no explanation and no justification.

In just two days the Arabs--PLO factions, Shiites, Hezbollah, Syrian or Iranian factions--managed to exceed the 160 dead who had lost their lives in the anti-Israel uprising in Gaza and the West Bank during the last six months!


And after this--and many even bloodier massacres in the past--there still are people who advocate a Palestinian state!

How sad and how tragic it would be if this came to pass.


Studio City
