
Lady Lions Crew Favored for Title

The Loyola Marymount University women’s lightweight-eight crew team is the top-rated shell in this weekend’s Pacific Coast Rowing Championships at Lake Natoma near Sacramento. The meet, which includes men’s teams, starts Saturday and concludes Sunday.

Lions Coach Lori Pawinski hopes to capture the Pacific Coast title and place in the top three at the national championships in Pennsylvania on June 4-5. The lightweight-eight shell includes coxswain Andie Antienza and rowers Bridget Petro, Julie Hackworth, Kelly Farley, Katie Burke, Julia Rivas, Christine Renola, Mary Huffman and Jenifer Collins.

This season the eight won gold medals for lightweight-eight and four shells at the State School Championships and placed second at the San Diego Crew Classic.


In dual meets the eight are undefeated against all West Coast competition.
