
Mixed Litter Won’t Deter Purebred Match for Collie

Got a question about your pet? Write Dr. Glenn Ericson, Ask the Vet, Orange County Life, L.A. Times, 1375 Sunflower Ave., Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Ericson, a practicing Orange County veterinarian, is president of the Southern California Veterinary Medical Assn

Q: My one-year-old collie was recently mated by a mix shepherd dog and is possibly pregnant. I have heard that if I let her have these puppies, I will be unable to breed her to another purebred collie in the future and register the litter. Is this true?

Susan Martini, Costa Mesa

A: There is no rational reason why you cannot breed your collie in the future to another purebred collie and register the litter. Each breeding and each litter is a separate entity and has no residual effect on the following litter, unless an infection renders your female sterile. You should have your dog examined to determine if she is pregnant and make a decision on letting her have the pups or having her spayed if you do not want any future litters.

Q: I have recently read that parvo virus infections are still occurring with great frequency. We have two Pomeranians who were vaccinated with a ‘6-in-1’ vaccine about five months ago. Does this vaccine have parvo vaccine within it? How often should my dogs be vaccinated? They are mostly indoor dogs with occasional trips to the park for exercise. Should I be concerned?


Daniel Savage, Newport Beach

A: Canine parvo virus (CPV) is still a very common and very contagious viral infection among the dog population. It causes a severe form of gastroenteritis, which often produces vomiting and loose bloody diarrhea, depression, loss of appetite, fever and severe dehydration. It is still a frequently fatal disease among susceptible dogs, especially the young puppies. Exposure to ill dogs or infective fecal material are the most common routes of infection. You should avoid having your Poms come into contact with strange dogs or wander unattended in the park.

The 6-in-1 vaccine does contain a parvo virus vaccine but you should be sure and check your certificate of vaccination. Generally speaking, annual vaccinations are sufficient for the majority of dogs. If you frequently take your dogs on vacation, to boarding facilities, shows, or parks where there is a much higher risk of exposure, I would recommend that they be vaccinated every six months. If your pets start to show signs of severe intestinal disease, have your veterinarian examine them as soon as possible. Early diagnosis and treatment of parvo virus enteritis is definitely important.
