
Huntington Park : 10% Water Rate Hike OKd

The Huntington Park City Council this week approved a 10% increase in municipal water rates, and raised the minimum water charge per two-month billing period from $9 to $10. The new charges take effect July 1.

Water Supt. Robert W. Bowcock said the rate increase will pay for increased costs of pumping water from city wells and buying water from the Metropolitan Water District.

The average two-month water bill for a family of four is now $57, Bowcock said. With the increase, the same family would pay $63. The city last raised water rates in August, 1984, he said.


Spending by the city’s Water Department is projected to exceed income by about $300,000 this fiscal year, cutting sharply into water fund reserves of about $750,000, Bowcock said. The fiscal year ends June 30.

In the 1988-89 fiscal year, the rate increase is projected to boost income to $2.25 million, while expenditures are expected to be $2.19 million, Bowcock said.
