
Insider Books on President Reagan

Conservatives are so funny. They seem not so much upset by the appalling truths coming out of the White House as they are by the fact that someone had the audacity to reveal them! And all along they’ve valued the appearance of propriety far above the actuality. No wonder the people around President Reagan were primarily concerned with his image. They knew who they were playing to.

George Will, in his column (Op-Ed Page, May 11), states that Reagan’s biggest mistake was in hiring a man like Donald Regan. How much better it would have been to appoint someone less qualified, but more circumspect!

No wonder they indulge in so much media-bashing. The seekers after truth are villains incarnate. They even accuse the whistle-blowers of a sort of treason, or at least disloyalty. The main objective, they say, is respect for the presidency. But their method of achieving it is secrecy, not merit.



Pacific Palisades
