
Amy S. Lee of San Marino, associate...

Amy S. Lee of San Marino, associate professor of biochemistry at the USC School of Medicine, has received a five-year, $1,232,663 award from the National Institutes of Health. After that, she will be eligible for another five years of financial support. Lee studies how cells regulate their metabolism in response to environmental changes.

Barbara Dabul, director of speech pathology at San Gabriel Valley Medical Center in San Gabriel, has received the Outstanding Achievement Award from the California Speech-Language-Hearing Assn.

Michael J. Costello Jr. has been appointed administrator of Santa Teresita Hospital in Duarte. He was formerly executive vice president of the hospital.


Ernest Didier has been named Officer of the Year by the Glendora Police Department for his work as a narcotics agent. Didier, who lives in San Dimas, also speaks to school and civic groups on the dangers of drug abuse.

Reid Shannon of Claremont has been elected president of the board of directors of the LeRoy Boys’ Home, a nonprofit agency in La Verne that provides residential care and treatment for boys 8 to 18. Shannon previously served as vice president and treasurer of the board.

John Bayless has been named assistant superintendent for business services for the Duarte Unified School District. Bayless previously was deputy superintendent of business, personnel and instruction for the South Pasadena Unified School District.


Dr. Julie Madorsky, a specialist in physical medicine and rehabilitation at Casa Colina Hospital for Rehabilitative Medicine in Pomona, has been named 1988 Physician of the Year by the President’s Committee on Employment of Disabled Persons.
