
San Diego

Seeking expertise in the aesthetics of urban design, the San Diego City Council Monday created the post of “city architect” in the Planning Department.

The architect, who will occupy the No. 2 position in the Planning Department, will manage a newly created section of that department overseeing the architecture and design of both civic and private projects, with special emphasis on downtown.

The unanimous vote fulfilled one proposal Mayor Maureen O’Connor issued in her January State of the City address.


Planning Director Robert Spaulding will appoint the architect after a committee develops a job description for the post. No salary has been established, but a representative of the American Institute of Architects told council members Monday that they could expect to pay a qualified architect about $80,000 a year.

In questions directed at Spaulding, District 5 Councilman Ed Struiksma said the city already has an architect, Paul Curcio, with responsibility for urban design. But Struiksma joined other council members in approving the new post.
