
Times Poll on American Jews

The story on the survey of American Jewish attitudes toward Israel was well done, interesting and not too surprising. A very relevant question which was omitted, however, was “Have you ever visited Israel?” Among the estimated minority of American Jews who have visited Israel, I’m certain that you would find disproportionate pro-Israel feelings compared to the other respondents. This group is committed enough to Israel to make the effort to visit. One personal visit makes one keenly aware of the awesome geopolitical realities facing the 4 million Jews in Israel.

Most Americans just do not understand that Israel is the size of New Jersey, shares a border with Syria and that the infamous West Bank is only 2,400 square miles and within artillery distance of Israel’s cities. It is a relief to know that support among Jewish and non-Jewish Americans has not shifted in light of recent disturbing events--a situation for which there is no easy solution.


Los Angeles
