
West Covina : Businessman Joins Council

The City Council has appointed Richard Lewis, a West Covina businessman and city activist, to fill the vacancy created by the death of Councilman Chester Shearer.

Lewis, 62, a member of the city’s Transition/Waste Management Commission since its creation in 1984, will be sworn into office on April 11, one day before the municipal election for three council seats. Lewis will hold his seat until the term expires in 1990.

The appointment was approved Monday on a 3-0 vote, with Councilwoman Nancy Manners abstaining. Lewis is Manners’ campaign chairman in her April 12 reelection bid. Lewis could not be reached for comment.


Manners said she had another candidate in mind but decided against suggesting someone else when Lewis gathered support. Although she would have preferred a former councilman, none expressed interest, she said.

She abstained from the vote but said the city attorney had informed her that there was no danger of conflict of interest.

In suggesting Lewis, Councilman Robert Bacon cited his experience. Lewis is a past president of the West Covina Chamber of Commerce and owns his own advertising agency.
