
Serving Sushi at New Puck Brewery

So Wolfgang Puck and his elite corps of moneyed lobbyists have come up with a new way to deal with those pesky irritants to their grandiose development schemes--irritants otherwise known, of course, as citizens (Times, March 20).

Want to ruin a Japanese community with a chi-chi beer joint? Feed them sushi.

I can just see it coming.

Having trouble putting a prison in East Los Angeles? Let’s make a condition of prison construction a taco stand.

Want to get Lancer started again? Let’s feed ‘em chitlins.

Widening Fairfax? Do it with bagels and lox.

It can go on and on--and all those developer types can march through communities clacking their sharpening knives and stomping out community opposition with offers of half-price native fare.


And the lobbyists, developers and our so-called representatives can gather together at their $500-a-plate feeding frenzies and cry out, grandly and in unison:

“Let them eat sushi!”

Time for a change, anyone?


Beverly Hills
