

There were a record number of racial and religious hate crimes documented in Los Angeles County in 1987, according to the Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, which has been keeping such statistics since 1980. Commission officials caution, however, the statistics under-count the actual number of incidents because some groups, particularly Asian and Latino immigrants, frequently don’t report them to authorities.


TYPE OF VICTIM NUMBER OF INCIDENTS PERCENT Black 41 52% Asian 15 19% Latino 14 18% Combination 4 5% Arab 3 4% White 2 2% LOCATION Residence/auto 61 77% School 8 10% Business 7 9% Public place 3 4% NATURE OF INCIDENT Graffiti/ 47 59% hate literature Assault/ 16 20% attempted assault Vandalism 8 10% Graffiti and vandalism 3 4% Gunshots 3 4% Cross-burning 2 3%


RELIGION NUMBER OF INCIDENTS PERCENT Jewish 98 85% Bible Church 3 3% Islamic 3 3% Catholic 2 2% Christian 2 2% Methodist 2 2% Baptist 1 - Church of Christ 1 - Church of Gabriels 1 - Jehovah’s Witness 1 - Seventh Day Adventist 1 - LOCATION Residence 54 47% Synagogue 24 21% Church 12 10% Business 9 8% Religious organization 8 7% School 4 3% Mosque 3 3% Public place 1 1% NATURE OF INCIDENT Graffiti/ 75 65% hate literature Graffiti and vandalism 16 14% Vandalism 16 14% Assault/ 2 2% attempted assault Arson/ 2 2% attempted arson Disruption of services 2 2% Cross-burning/ 1 - attempted cross-burning Gunshots 1 -


Source: Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations

1980-Racial Hate Crimes: Not available

1980-Religious Hate Crimes: 26

1981-Racial Hate Crimes: 4

1981-Religious Hate Crimes: 61

1982-Racial Hate Crimes: 15

1982-Religious Hate Crimes: 101

1983-Racial Hate Crimes: 11

1983-Religious Hate Crimes: 81

1984-Racial Hate Crimes: 13

1984-Religious Hate Crimes: 70

1985-Racial Hate Crimes: 13

1985-Religious Hate Crimes: 71

1986-Racial Hate Crimes: 58

1986-Religious Hate Crimes: 95

1987-Racial Hate Crimes: 79

1987-Religious Hate Crimes: 115
