
Rights Group Cites Abuses in Panama

From Reuters

Amnesty International said Wednesday that political detainees in Panama are being stripped, beaten and starved, and it called for investigation of charges that some are being tortured and killed.

In a 15-page report, the London-based human rights group said it is alarmed by the rapid deterioration of the human rights situation in Panama.

The report focused on attempts by the government to crush peaceful protests, which the group said have been widespread since June, when military strongman Manuel A. Noriega was accused of being involved in the murder of an opponent, Dr. Hugo Spadafora.


It said several protesters were clubbed to death and two people blinded, while hundreds, including scores of children, were arbitrarily jailed after sounding car horns or waving white handkerchiefs in support of the opposition.

“Testimonies described further beatings and torture once the detainees were transferred to Modelo Prison in Panama City,” it said.

“Detainees taken there claimed that they were stripped, deprived of food and water and beaten with sticks, fists, rifle butts and rubber hoses by squads of guards,” the report added.


“Demonstrators at Modelo Prison also gave detailed accounts of widespread robbery, harassment, ill-treatment and sexual abuse.”

The organization said a report on its findings was sent to Noriega in December but no response has been received.
