
Legless Vet Ends Marathon

United Press International

A 41-year-old legless Vietnam veteran today finished the Los Angeles Marathon, two days after the rest of the field. “I would have gotten here a little faster, but my support crew got tired,” the broad-shouldered Bob Wieland quipped after crossing the finish line outside the Coliseum to the cheers of more than 100 onlookers.

Wieland, who lost both legs after stepping on a land mine in Vietnam, was accompanied by a trainer, two masseurs and supporters and friends during his 26.2-mile trek, which began Saturday, a day before the rest of the 17,000-member field. Propelling himself on his hands wrapped in leather and padding, Wieland covered the course in 74 hours, 8 minutes and 36 seconds--18 hours faster than the time he recorded in the same event last year.
