
Boys’ School Wins Nuclear Battle to Keep Latin Motto

From Reuters

A 400-year-old British boys’ school today won a battle against left-wing authorities who demanded it replace its Latin motto with “Derbyshire County Council Supports Nuclear-Free Zones.”

Headmaster Geoffrey Price said the Labor Party-controlled council, which funds Chesterfield School, has agreed to his proposed compromise and the old motto “Non quo, sed quo modo” (Not by whom, but in what manner) will be printed alongside the new one.

A council spokesman said all 600 schools in the central English county of Derbyshire had been told to use the anti-nuclear slogan on their stationery.

“Our parents are up in arms and our old boys (alumni) are steaming over this,” Price said before the deal was announced.


Conservative member of Parliament Peter Rost said the council’s anti-nuclear demand was “beyond belief and . . . bonkers even by the standards of the loony left.”
