
Democrat Plan Denigrated as Beans, Blankets

Associated Press

President Reagan’s chief spokesman said today a Democratic alternative aid plan for the Nicaraguan rebels would limit the Contras to “beans and blankets” assistance from the United States.

At the same time, Marlin Fitzwater said it is not certain that Reagan will deliver a nationally broadcast address on the subject of his $36-million aid request on Tuesday night--as the President had indicated to reporters covering a state dinner for Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

“No announcement on the speech,” Fitzwater said today. “There are certainly indications to that effect, but we haven’t made a final decision yet. We’re not ready to announce it publicly yet.”


Reminded that Reagan had indicated Thursday night he was to give such a speech, Fitzwater said only, “We’re looking at alternatives.”

“Yes, they tell me I’ll be giving a speech Tuesday night,” the President had told reporters.

The Contras and Sandinista government representatives are meeting in San Jose, Costa Rica, in their first face-to-face talks. (Story, Page 6.)


Wright Details Plan

With a House vote on Contra aid set for next Wednesday, Speaker Jim Wright (D-Tex.) came down firmly Thursday on the side of a Democratic alternative package containing “humanitarian” aid, but no military help.

Fitzwater lashed out at the Democratic alternative during today’s White House briefing.

“We talk about non-lethal as all kinds of things to transport food and aid and equipment to the resistance . . . and that includes helicopter parts, trucks, truck parts, radio equipment, radar equipment, blankets, medicine, Band-Aid, the whole bit . . .

“The Democrats keep talking about beans and blankets. That’s not what we’re talking about.”
