
Juliet Prowse Bitten Again by Same Leopard

A leopard that attacked dancer Juliet Prowse during a rehearsal for the “Circus of the Stars” television show in September bit the dancer again during a rehearsal Wednesday in Burbank.

Prowse, 51, suffered only minor injuries on the left ear and below the neck in the second attack, said Patty Mayberry, a spokesman for Saint Joseph Medical Center. She was being treated at the hospital Wednesday night, the spokesman said.

The leopard, an 80-pound female named Sheila, was standing behind Prowse with its front paws on the dancer’s shoulders when it lunged for her neck after Prowse moved her head, said Dan Jenkins, a spokesman for “Circus of the Stars.”


The attack occurred at 4:15 p.m. at NBC television studios while Prowse was rehearsing a portion of her “Circus of the Stars” act for an appearance on the “Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson.”

On Sept. 28, the leopard bit Prowse on her neck near the carotid artery during a rehearsal of the “Uncaged Animals” act at California State University, Northridge.
