
3 Killed, 2 Injured in 2 Separate Hit-Run Accidents

Three people were killed in two separate hit-and-run traffic accidents in Canoga Park and Canyon Country, the California Highway Patrol said.

Terri Lynn McGill, 28, and George Wesley McGill, 38, of Sacramento died when the car in which they were riding was broadsided by another vehicle at DeSoto Avenue and Sherman Way in Canoga Park late Thursday, Officer Roy McFall said. The McGills, whose relationship was not known, were riding in the back of a station wagon driven by Steve Shannon Jr. of Canoga Park.

Head Injuries

Shannon, 31, was taken to Northridge Hospital Medical Center with head, chest and leg injuries. He was in stable condition Friday, a hospital spokesman said.


His wife, Debra, 31, who was riding in the front passenger seat, suffered a broken left wrist and bruises on her forehead and check. She was treated at Canoga Park Hospital and released Friday.

After the crash, the driver of the other vehicle fled on foot. Police are still searching for him, McFall said.

Authorities are also searching for clues in the hit-and-run death of a 26-year-old Newhall man who was struck late Thursday on the Antelope Valley Freeway in Canyon Country.


His body was discovered in the northbound lanes south of Sand Canyon Road, Officer Monty Kiefer said. The man’s name was withheld pending notification of relatives.
