
INS Bolsters Its Amnesty Effort Among Asians

From a Times staff writer

Acknowledging that its amnesty program has not been a success among Asians, the Immigration and Naturalization Service on Tuesday named three Asian-Americans to help set up an outreach program to recruit more applicants.

Western Regional INS Commissioner Harold Ezell introduced John Tu as the newly named Asian-Pacific outreach coordinator.

The yearlong amnesty program, now slightly more than half over, has attracted applications from 15,514 Asian-Pacific people in the service’s western region, only 2.7% of total applications.


Tu, until recently an INS inspector at Los Angeles International Airport, will work with Los Angeles district office coordinator Susan Kim and Sue S.K. Lau Choy, outreach coordinator for the San Francisco district.

Filipinos and Thais constitute the largest eligible groups, followed by Koreans, Taiwanese, and 30 other nationalities. Officials estimate as many as 40,000 Asian and Pacific Islanders in Los Angeles alone are eligible for legalization under the 1986 immigration law.
