
Six UCLA Students Compete in West Valley Art Competition

Six fine arts graduate students at UCLA are designing and building sculptures for a contest to be judged in December by noted art professionals.

The winning sculpture will be displayed permanently in the two-story lobby of the $65-million, 12-story Warner Corporate Center office tower, scheduled for a March completion at Victory Boulevard and Canoga Avenue in Woodland Hills.

LAMCO, the building’s developer, is sponsoring the contest and is donating $2,500 to the UCLA art department and $7,500 plus costs to the winning student.


The six students--under the direction of Prof. Charles Ray--are: Steve Hurd, San Francisco; Tom Quinn, Garden Grove; Maria Carranza, Denver; Ernest Scott, Los Angeles; Karl Kalusik and Debbie Harris, from British Columbia.

Judging the contest are: Sculptor Dwayne Valentine; Josine Ianco-Starrels, senior curator at the Long Beach Museum of Art; Suzanne Muchnic, art writer at The Times; Murray Fink, founder of the San Fernando Valley Art Gallery, Woodland Hills, and Gene Rosenfield, LAMCO partner and president-elect of the UCLA Foundation.
