
Slow Growth in Orange County to Be Debated

Developers, planners, elected officials and slow-growth advocates will debate the slow-growth movement in Orange County real estate Nov. 17 at the the Registry Hotel, 18800 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine.

The 6 p.m. session is sponsored by the Orange County chapter of Women in Commercial Real Estate. Reservations must be received by Thursday and cost $25 for WCRE members and $35 for others.

Speakers will include developer Brandon R. Birtcher, slow-growth advocate Gregory A. Hile, Orange County official Ernie Schneider, Thomas Blum of Santa Margarita Co., attorney John R. Simon and USC urban planner Alan Kreditor.


The sponsoring group’s mailing address is WCRE, P.O. Box 9015, Newport Beach 92658.
