
Westminster : Minister Loses Attempt to Have Verdict Voided

A judge Tuesday refused to throw out a verdict awarded last month to a former parishioner against her Nazarene minister.

County Superior Judge Richard J. Beacom rejected the request by the Rev. Marion McCandless, minister for 30 years of the Westminster Community Church of the Nazarene.

McCandless was sued by Susan Battenschlag, who said the minister persuaded her to invest $100,000 in cash with him. He said he could double her money in nine months to a year.


Battenschlag said McCandless took advantage of her weakened state shortly before she was to undergo brain surgery, then refused her demand to return the money.

During the trial, McCandless produced records that showed a personal net worth of $3.7 million. He testified that he made the money trading real estate.

Both McCandless and his lawyer, Conrad G. Tuohey, declined comment about the case or a possible appeal.
