
Parking for Motor Homes

I found Roberta Andrews’ letter (Sept. 13) very interesting about recreational vehicle parking in Fountain Valley. Hooray for the City Council! It’s time every city take steps to eliminate these eyesores.

Can you imagine five cars and an RV parked on their property? These are the people who cause changes in the laws. I know of what I speak. I have the problem where two motor homes are parked bumper to bumper next door to me.

For years one was parked on the side lawn and just try to get out of the driveway. No one could see me, and I couldn’t see them, including pedestrians and young children on their low riders.


Then I got complaints that my sprinklers were causing damage to the RV. One of these vehicles moves periodically but the other is there 49 weeks a year, except for street sweeping.

There are places that rent space for these vehicles. I hope Roberta Andrews finds a good home for her RV and gives her neighbors a break.


