
Ricardo Bofill

The Times must be commended for its excellent article about Ricardo Bofill (Part I, Aug. 4) and his fight for human rights in his native Cuba.

The Cuban Revolution has systematically destroyed the dreams of thousands and thousands who suffered through the cruel and dark years of the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista.

Many still excuse the excesses committed by Fidel Castro on his own people, or prefer to look the other way and ignore all the promises made to Cuba and the world in 1959 crushed by a totalitarian and repressive system that walked away from the democratic ideals for whom so many gave their lives.


Like Bofill in Cuba, many others who suffered in Castro’s jails--Armando Valladares, Jorge Valls, Eloy Gutierrez Menoyo--will continue to fight in foreign lands for the rights and dignity of man.

Thank you for presenting the story of a man who believes in himself and in his destiny.


Los Angeles
